Samstag, 7. April 2012

Appreciation, A Cornerstone to Success

Appreciation is a real cornerstone to success. Appreciation leads your thinking in a positive direction. Why is this so? Our brain operates in a kind similar like a computer search engine. For example: when you put the word “success” in the Google search engine you will find millions of pages about success. You will find every aspect about success.

The same happens in your brain when you focus about appreciation. One thought after the other comes up that is related to appreciation. You get what you think (and feel) about.

Appreciate what you have

Very often people in Europe and North America are more focused on negative things, especially when it comes to success and money. But there are many statistics that says that nearby all in Europe and North America belong to the 5% richest of the world. Regardless of this fact, many think we are poor.

What can you do when you see more the negative aspect. Start to see the things in your life you appreciate. You maybe ask: “How should I do that?” Here I have an exercise for that:

Take a notebook, write on the first page in big letters “My book of positive aspects”. Then start to write on a daily basis at least five to ten things you are grateful about. This can be small things at the beginning. For example, that you have enough to eat, that you have a home and so on. I recommend that you start every day with the following formula:

“I am so happy and grateful now that I have/be/do….”

The best thing is, when you can to this every day at the same time. For some people works it best in the morning and for others during lunch time or in the evening. In this way, you start a new habit and over time it’s normal for you to do this exercise.

Do you see the vase or the face?

What can happen

The more you do the exercise, the more your focus change. You start to see thing from y new point of view. This gives you new options and you see new solutions. On so starts a new creative way of thinking. When problems occur, your brain searches for new solutions instead of falling back into a negative mud and the see yourself as a victim.

In the future you will go through life with more self-esteem and this lead to more success, because you’re looking more for the solution than the problem. And all this starts with appreciation. Remember: Winners think in solutions.

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